• Language as a Window into Human Nature

    Updated: 2011-02-28 21:40:07
    Steven Pinker shows us how the mind turns the finite building blocks of language into infinite meanings.

  • Ben Goertzel Watson: Supercharged Search Engine or Prototype Robot Overlord?

    Updated: 2011-02-28 21:40:07
    My initial reaction to reading about IBM’s “Watson” supercomputer and software was a big fat ho-hum. OK, I figured, a program that plays Jeopardy! may be impressive to Joe Blow in the street, but I’m an AI guru so I know pretty much exactly what kind of specialized trickery they’re using under the hood. It’s not really a high-level mind, just a fancy database lookup system.

  • We’ll Be Vigorous Until We’re 120

    Updated: 2011-02-28 21:40:07
    Blog Events Multimedia About Purpose Programs Publications Staff Contact Join Login Register Support the IEET The IEET is a 501(c 3 non-profit , tax-exempt organization registered in the State of Connecticut in the United States . Please give as you are able , and help support our work for a brighter . future Via PayPal Subscribe to : Technoprogressive BioConservative Huh Quick overview of biopolitical points of view The Happiest Species on the Planet Designer Babies Will Be Godless Achievement Machines Liberating Egypt from Female Genital Mutilation Speculative Gaming We’ll Be Vigorous Until We’re 120 A More Critical Approach to Our Toilets and Technologies Putting an End to Dolphin Exploitation at Aquatic Theme Parks Watson : Supercharged Search Engine or Prototype Robot Overlord

  • The Future of Aging: Pathways to Human Life Extension

    Updated: 2011-02-28 16:22:16
    : Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Philosophy Rejuvenation Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap The Future of Aging : Pathways to Human Life Extension By Aschwin de Wolf on February 28th , 2011 This book review was originally published in Cryonics magazine , 1st Quarter , 2011 Editor-in-chief , cryobiologist , and aging researcher Gregory M . Fahy and his associate editors Michael D . West , L . Stephen Cole and Steven B . Harris have compiled what might be the most impressive collection of articles on interventive gerontology to date in their 866 page collection The Future of Aging : Pathways to Human Life Extension The book is

  • Case reports in cryonics

    Updated: 2011-02-19 00:08:29
    Arts Living Cryonics Death Health Neuroscience Philosophy Rejuvenation Science Society Depressed Metabolism Cryonics , Life Extension , Anti-Aging , Health , Science , Neuroscience , Death Subscribe Subscribe by email About Authors What is cryonics Sitemap Case reports in cryonics By Aschwin de Wolf on February 18th , 2011 This article was originally published in Cryonics magazine , 4th Quarter , 2010. Introduction The most important reasons for writing case reports : are 1. To provide a transparent and detailed description of procedures and techniques for members of the cryonics organization and the general public . A cryonics organization that never writes anything about its cases and procedures should be treated with more caution than an organization that . does 2. To validate current

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